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Formatters are free online applications to beautify code that people can easily read, write, and understand. Formatters provide a tree view of code that helps to navigate the document. These tools apply stylistic formatting conventions to the source code. The formatting rules are optimized for the best possible result.
Code beautification includes parsing the source code into component structures and formatting them in a tree view with the indentation level - 2 spaces. Formatters are fast and completely free. No registration, plugin or software installation required for you. There are no limits to taking the applications, so feel free and beautify code as much as you need!
- Fast and Easy Formatters
Our code Formatters convert source code from one style to another. Simply enter an XML or JSON code and get the result at once! There are no limits to taking the apps, so feel free and apply them as much as you need! - Platform Independence
Our browser-based applications work from all platforms, including Windows, Linux, Mac OS, Android and iOS. No registration, plugin or software installation is required for you. Moreover, we always take steps to ensure the security of your files and data. So save your valuable time and resources! - Help & Support
If you need help or have questions about our services, please contact Free Support or Sales Support, we will be happy to help. Ask about our products, implementation, trial version, pricing, or anything else.