PX to REM Conveter

Convert point to pixel and pixel to point


Aspose.FontAspose.Font Web Applications

Working with fonts as a designer or developer, it is always important to pay attention to their size and scalability. This highly influences readability therefore user satisfaction. CSS Font size is an inherited property that sets the height of glyphs of the font.

Width, one of its values, can be set in pixels (px), EMs (em), or points (pt). REM or root EM is the value equaled by the size of an HTML element. By default, the font size for a web project is 16 px.

Nowadays pixels cannot cover the needs of web development and all the features provided by modern browsers. The sizes should be more limber and be able to be adjusted to the flexible design. So here come relative CSS units and unitless values.

The app here lets convert px to em, pt to px, px to pt, and versa online so you can adjust the font size to the needs of your project easily. Just select the unit you want to convert from and the resulting unit, write the number and get the result instantly.

You may also be interested in our CSS text generator that is developed to make it easier to you to style your font and get its HTML CSS code.

Also Explore our new AI driven Aspose.Font AI Agents. The tools will be a great help for anyone who deals with fonts.

  • There are px to rem, pt to px, px to pt, and versa conversions available.
  • The result is received instantly.
  • Use the Sample string to see if the size is good for your text.
  • The app does not require any additional software and downloading.

How to use Size Converter

  • Type in the font size.
  • Set the unit you want to convert from.
  • Choose the unit you want to convert to.
  • Enter the sample of text if needed.
  • The result is on the screen right away.

  • How to use Size Converter?Enter the desirable font size. Set the unit you want to convert from and the unit you want to convert to. The result is on the screen right away.
  • What is Font Size Converter for?This cross-platform app is to help you choose the better font size for your project or find out the equivalent for the font size in another size unit.
  • Can I use the convetrer on Linux, Mac OS or Android?Yes. This app needs only a browser to work.
  • What Conversions are available?With this solution, you can transform px to rem, pt to px, px to pt, and versa.
  • Fast and Easy Application

    Type in the text you want to visualize. Set the parameters. The result is on the screen instantly.
  • Convert from Anywhere

    It works from all platforms including Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS. Everything is processed on our servers. No plugin or software installation is required for you.
  • Conversion Quality

    Developed by Aspose, which products are being used by many Fortune 100 companies across 114 countries.
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