Aspose.ZIPAspose.ZIP Web Applications

It is hard to imagine someone who has never needed to work with archives or compressed files. They are really helpful when you need to save space on your device or to send big amount of data via email or messenger. An archive may contain a single file, folder, or even a directory. By adding data sets in one archive you make it certain that they will be all transferred at the same time and none of them will be lost.

The most popular archive format is the ZIP archive. It is that popular that there even appeared an English verb to zip, got the meaning to compress a file or to create an archive. Zip compression is supported by a large number of software utilities.

Here we offer you applications to manipulate compressed files and folders. With these web apps, you can zip files or folders, unpack, merge or convert archives without installing any additional software on your PC. It works with ZIP, 7ZIP, TAR, TAR.GZ, and TAR.BZ2 compression

If the functionality you get from this set of applications is something you would like to add to your solution learn the Documentation chapter.

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